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Elevator screens | digital information displays for new buildings – KONE
Evolving elevator experience
Built around digital displays, the KONE DX Concept Car provides a blank canvas for you to create a multi-sensory experience that can constantly evolve. Use digital information displays to paint walls with light to create just the right mood, or engage passengers with eye-catching full-wall digital displays that show ads and rolling social media updates. Enrich the elevator experience even further with the perfect soundtrack.

Elevator screens | digital information displays for new buildings – KONE

Elevator screens
Digital signage displays make it easy to share important building information. Elevator screens in your building and customizable screen content management allow you to create a new kind of user experience that engages people while also providing helpful visitor guidance. With KONE Information solutions you can use elevator screens to inform and entertain building users in a variety of ways.
Elevator screens | digital information displays for new buildings – KONE
Music to your ears
Redefine the meaning of ‘elevator music’ with tunes to put a spring in the step and create an even richer elevator experience for everyone.
Read more about KONE Elevator Music

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