"We pledge to systematically increase diversity, inclusion, and equity at KONE. As one of the specific goals, we will make a step-change in the share of women at director level to 35% by 2030."
- Henrik Ehrnrooth, President and CEO of KONE
Diversity and inclusion are embedded in the KONE culture and values. We believe that when people are valued as their authentic selves, innovation can flourish and work communities will thrive.
"We pledge to systematically increase diversity, inclusion, and equity at KONE. As one of the specific goals, we will make a step-change in the share of women at director level to 35% by 2030."
- Henrik Ehrnrooth, President and CEO of KONE
At KONE, we strive to provide equal opportunity for everyone. We apply fair talent practices in recruitment and enable unique career paths through flexible arrangements and by supporting a healthy work-life balance.
Globally, we celebrate 147 nationalities that make us unique. To accelerate innovation and co-creation, and to create a thriving work community, we welcome fresh competences and views from outside our industry. Together, we make KONE a great place to work and cities better places to live.
We are only as strong as we are diverse and inclusive. Our varied capabilities, skills, and approaches help us to create the best People Flow™ experience and build better, more sustainable cities. We treat everyone with kindness and respect, support diverse thinking, acknowledge our biases, and always keep an open mind.
We are committed to a culture that welcomes everyone. A culture where everyone can show up as their authentic selves and feel a sense of belonging. Fostering inclusion is an ongoing effort, and we move forward with ambition. We contribute to the sustainable development of our communities and want to take a stand for a fair and equal society.
In order to bring clear direction to our diversity and inclusion strategy, we have defined four goals:
Read more about diversity and inclusion at KONE in our Sustainability Report.
Our diversity and inclusion strategy has six focus areas to support us in reaching our goals.
Diversity and inclusion are among KONE’s business priorities. We aspire to be as diverse as our customers, suppliers and partners.
Our leadership is committed to driving diversity and inclusion and measured against set goals.
Diversity and inclusion are integrated into our people processes. All KONE employees should be mindful of our diversity and inclusion principles.
We systematically measure and report on diversity and inclusion data to gain objective insights and drive decision making.
Diversity and inclusion are embedded in our communications objectives. We report and communicate about our diversity and inclusion progress with transparency.
We are considered a trusted employer and partner, and a strong contributor to the sustainable development of communities in which we operate.
We want all our employees, customers and stakeholders to feel comfortable being themselves at work and as members of society, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
We are building awareness, providing training and engaging employees with an employee-led resource group. We are also committed to strengthening our policies and practices to be LGBTIQ+ inclusive, while simultaneously reviewing and updating our people processes in regard to diversity and inclusion related aspects. For practical guidance and support in achieving this, KONE has partnered with Workplace Pride, a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to improving the lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) people in workplaces worldwide. Our local communities mean a lot to us, and we show our support for example by sponsoring the Helsinki Pride 2022 event.
KONE has also endorsed the UN Standards of Conduct to publicly show its commitment for promoting LGBTIQ+ inclusion.